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Souq / Amazon UAE ( UAE

Users rating for Souq / Amazon UAE ( in UAE

Aggregate rating: 4.1 out of 5 by 3111 visitors
10% Promo Code / coupon Noon in UAE Applied on most items - Summer 2019

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Auto & Accessories, Baby supplies & clothes, Fashion & Accessories, ..
Fashion & Accessories, Sports & Outdoor activities
Fragrance & Make-up, Gifts
Fashion & Accessories, Sports & Outdoor activities
Fashion & Accessories, Furniture and Decor, Gifts
Baby supplies & clothes, Fashion & Accessories, Fragrance & Make-up, .. (Souq / UAE) is an English-Arabic language e-commerce platform, owned by Amazon, Inc. Which considered as the largest e-commerce platform in the Arab world.

Why (Souq - UAE)?

  • Inclusiveness of the Website, not limited to mobile phones, electronic, home applicant, accessories, gardens, sports, perfumes, fashion but even supermarket and new home services.
  • Fast and free delivery.
  • Fast and free exchange.
  • Multiple payment methods.
  • Renewable offers and discounts.

Products Categories
Auto & Accessories, Baby supplies & clothes, Books, ELectronics, Fashion & Accessories, Fragrance & Make-up, Furniture and Decor, Gifts, Home & Kitchen Appliances, Sports & Outdoor activities, Pet supplies, Services & entertainment, Food & Grocery
Available in
UAE (Souq / UAE) is an English-Arabic language e-commerce platform, owned by Amazon, Inc. Which considered as the largest e-commerce platform in the Arab world.

Why (Souq - UAE)?

  • Inclusiveness of the Website, not limited to mobile phones, electronic, home applicant, accessories, gardens, sports, perfumes, fashion but even supermarket and new home services.
  • Fast and free delivery.
  • Fast and free exchange.
  • Multiple payment methods.
  • Renewable offers and discounts.

Products Categories
Auto & Accessories, Baby supplies & clothes, Books, ELectronics, Fashion & Accessories, Fragrance & Make-up, Furniture and Decor, Gifts, Home & Kitchen Appliances, Sports & Outdoor activities, Pet supplies, Services & entertainment, Food & Grocery
Available in