E-commerce laws in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the largest e-commerce market in the Arab and Gulf region in particular, where the number of online shoppers has reached more than 20 million people, while the number of electronic stores has approached 30,000, which puts us in a picture of the size of the profits that these stores can achieve. This type has succeeded From a promising trade in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to the huge advantages that made it easier for shoppers to obtain their needs in the easiest way and at the lowest costs.
All this prompted the Saudi government to take the necessary measures to reduce fraudulent and misleading commercial behavior, in addition to enhancing consumer confidence and establishing more balanced relations between electronic stores and consumers, especially since the nature of the online market bears some skepticism.
What are the terms and law of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia?
Terms for merchants
The electronic commerce law in Saudi Arabia obliges every online store to add its commercial register, address and all data related to its commercial activity, in addition to the personal data of the owners of this commercial activity. The regulation requires it.
Terms for Users
The law aims to protect the consumer, as it stipulates that the store owner is not entitled to keep any of the user’s personal data for a period of more than 14 days, and it is prohibited to use or share this data with any other party without obtaining the user’s consent.
Attempting to violate the terms
Under the e-commerce law, the Saudi government has the right to impose fines of up to one million Saudi riyals on the owner of the online store who violates the terms of e-commerce, but before implementing this procedure, it communicates with him and notifies him, and in the event of non-response, it takes the necessary measures that may also include blocking the store from the internet.
Conditions for residents of Saudi Arabia, owners of commercial projects
The Deputy Minister of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirmed that the opening of e-commerce platforms is allowed for Saudis and residents alike if they adhere to the same conditions mentioned, as the same e-commerce system approved by the Kingdom applies to them, but the resident must attach all his data, including his place of residence and a copy About the passport when submitting an application to create a record for your online store.